Where is Jonathan taken us to? By: Promise Uzoma Okoro

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It is high time I deny being a Nigerian because I cannot withstand the shame and the disgrace this President of Nigeria has brought us into.After six years of being a president of this great nation, yet Jonathan cannot account for any meaningful project he has executed. For now we are at crossroads, we are at a roundabout which has three major confusing direction.Where is Goodluck Jonathan taken us to? We cannot continue to move with this man because enough is enough, he has lead us like Goats and we cannot to be goats anymore.

An animal Doctor has ruled us like Animals, Mr. Jonathan forgot that he cannot use the same method he used in leading and treating animals to treat we human being. They methods are not the same. We cannot continue to keep quiet why our generation perishes under the watch of a civilian Ruler who has turened himself to a dictator.

Where is this man taken us to? Which road is he leading us into, desperation to remain in power despite outrage for a change in Government might be dangerous. The sufferings of Nigerians now are very much bigger that when we were in the military era.

I can recall that the Nigerian military has fought the Bokoharam for 5years without winning the war against the insurgents, While Mr.Goodluck Jonathan has openly stated that he has Bokoharam in his cabinet, what is taken him time to fish them out? Good luck has brought us backwardness.

I know Jonathan is a good man, but he is surrounded by Monkeys and donkeys parading themselves as advisers, How can I support Jonathan again when he has refused to deliver from the last support I gave him in 2011. Enough is Enough we cannot continue this way, we cannot continue to cry at the watch of a man who claimed to be a civilian ruler but a military dictator in disguise.

It is time for us to stop Jonathan and ask him where he is Leading us to, Mr.Jonathan do you want to lead us astry? Do you want to lead us into destruction? Do you want to take us back to the dark days of this country.

If I were to be you Mr.Jonathan I will hourably Resign as the President of Nigeria because the sign is very obvious the people are clamoring for a change in Government. Imagine a government crying like Opposition. It is very painful.

Mr.Goodluck Jonathan please answers me where are you taken Nigerians To?

Promise Uzoma Okoro

Journalist,Blogger and Political activist


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