“We Know the Killer Squad in Ogoni Land” -Magnus Abe

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I don’t have much to say. I merely wanted to thank you for finding time to come out and have a word with me and to comment on some issues of importance to the state and the country.
First is to mention something that you are all already well familiar with; the state of killings,  murder , assassinations and the reckless desecration of lives across Rivers State particularly in my senatorial district, the Rivers South East Senatorial District.

As you are all aware, just a few days ago, one of my very close friends, one of my very strong allies, a committed champion of the people, a great man , an intelligent human being who has contributed so much to the mentorship and development of other lives in the state, late DR VINCENT EEBEE was brutally murdered in very, very painful circumstances. He was a lecturer at the Ken Saro Wiwa Polytechnic Bori. He was pursued from the Polytechnic Bori in broad day light, he had a student with him in the car that he was giving a ride to Port Harcourt. They chased them shooting at them all through. The sound of gunfire was all over the place and he kept running. They blew out the tires, they were raining bullets on the car and he finally drove into his community, Yeghe, drove up to the Centre of the community by the church and he was already injured, he staggered out of the car and these people chased him through with the same Camry that was used to kill DANGBESE the other day and killed him. When he fell they went up to him and executed him.

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These have been the kind of things that had been going on across the state and particularly in Ogoni land. It is unfortunate that these things go on and they are unchallenged by anybody. I have asked all our supporters to remain calm. I have asked them to do all they can to protect themselves and Dr Eebee did try to avoid the kind of situation that will lead to this kind of thing but in the face of his best efforts, these killers pursued him and executed him in broad day light in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

At this point, what we have said is  that any killing of this kind in the senatorial district and indeed the state, we expect that there will be a response, we have brought this fact to the attention of the relevant authorities, the Nigeria Police, Department of State Services and other security agencies to fish out these killers from our midst and end this terror so that people can resume their lives.

As we speak now, Bori is virtually a ghost town, once it’s a few minutes to the evening , people are terrified in their houses. They can’t come out particularly members of the APC. As the capital of our senatorial district, no member of the APC can freely move around in Bori or freely voice their membership of the APC.  They do that at the risk of their lives. Several others who are not prominent people like DR VINCENT EEBEE have been murdered simply for being members of the APC.

The young lady that was with Dr Eebee in his car is not a politician but these killers had absolutely no qualms about executing her for absolute no reason. This kind of thing is unprecedented in Rivers politics.

If you go to Eleme Local  Government Area, the same thing is going on, by 4:00pm most of the shops are closed, people are running inside their houses. The question everybody is asking is :who is going to be the next? And that was the exact question that Dr Eebee asked in this very compound a few days before he was executed.

So I want to use this opportunity to appeal to my people, the Ogoni people to remain calm. Please, do not, I beg you in the name of God, take the laws into your hands. These things are being done in order to turn Ogoni into a killing field so that we will exterminate ourselves and bring happiness to our enemies and our detractors. The people who are sponsoring these killers, the people who are giving them these powers to do this in broad daylight do not mean well for us. We can not and we should not allow ourselves to be deceived into killing one another in order to impress any pay masters. The truth is that , the people who are doing these things are criminals, they are murderers and the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria exist to take care of these kinds of situations.

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It is therefore, the responsibility of of the law enforcement agencies to go after these killers, apprehend them and bring them to justice. Their identities are known, the vehicles they use is known, the place where they are is known even to the law enforcement agencies. All that is required is the will to bring them to justice.

I want to promise our people that we will do everything possible to insist on the authorities that these people be brought to justice.

I’m amused when I see some of the write ups by the PDP saying that we have gone to bring helicopters and bring police and bring army and all that to raid communities. I expect that the PDP as a political party  should be responsible. The kind of propaganda, smear campaign that they have carried out against some of us is unprecedented in the history of politics in this country. Nobody has been attacked like this merely for running an election into the senate. I have never seen it. And when a political party takes it upon itself to incite the people against one another in order to cause destruction and bring about killings to destroy an entire ethnic group because of politics? I call on GOD ALMIGHTY to judge them. These kind of behavior, these kind of  utterances by the PDP is irresponsible.

We know who these killers are, we know who their sponsors are, we know where they are, we know those who are protecting them but they can not be protected from the judgement of man  and from the judgement of God.

Magnus Abe

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