I can confirm and attest that
His Excellency Dr Alex Otti OFR is a fine and consummate gentleman, classy and with extant taste.
In 2019 when I contested with him under APGA I was so amazed at his distinctive and all encompassing home that I humbly requested that we will take over his NVOSI, ISIALANGWA home to serve as GOVERNMENT HOUSE/GOVERNOR’s Office till he replicates it for Abians.
Prior to his ascendancy as Governor every visitor to his house will have lunch, a sumptuous one. Each guest has choice of the finest champagne, wine and best of non alcoholic grape beverages.
Last time I had lunch with him I protested that we were ‘better off’ with the tables when he wasn’t Governor. He laughed and told me “AKAJIUGO, this is time for serious work not time for merriment.”
Since he became the Executive Governor of Abia State Dr Alex OTTI has almost lived like a hermit – a life of self denial shun of social trappings and leisure. He works 24 hours for there’s virtually no hour of the 24 hour day that one has not gotten him online. For serious and important matters especially bordering on the security and wellbeing of the citizens he Dr Alex OTTI will give you audience no matter the hour.
He is not given to frivolities or revelry. Even when he won his case at the SUPREME COURT he did not engage in any wide and wild celebration. Rather, opted for an open air interdenominational THANKSGIVING SERVICE. In his country home only his top legal team went to brief him and as his custom whoever comes around either in the afternoon or in the evening is ushered in to share lunch or dinner with him.
His Excellency in continuation of the onerous task of positioning Abia, (I will not say repositioning because we were not just there before now) he embarked on official visit to the USA which hosts over 80% of Abians in the Diaspora as well as the corporate world. We should also remember that our sons and daughters in the Diaspora mostly from the USA under the auspices of ANPA undertook a medical outreach mission to Abia. His visit was also part of a “thank you and thank God for your successful trip and safe return” to their bases.
It’s natural that he had to relay his stewardship and some of the macadam he met. As our people would say: a snake seen by only one person will be likened to a python. He owes Abians home and abroad a duty and responsibility of giving account and disclosure.
The PERSON, GOVERNMENT and ADMINISTRATION of HE Governor ALEX OTTI OFR cannot be harangued to play to the gallery or deviate from its established style of being thorough and meticulous in decision making and discharge of her functions. His Excellency cannot succumb to infantile and disjointed insinuations from hirelings and fifth columnists.
It’s ridiculous that the internet rodents and remnant arachnids of the TWENTY-FOUR YEARS of ravaging by locusts and termites can attempt to imbrue an otherwise reciprocal honour worthy of applause done to our number One citizen.
The Governor shuns any form of lavish ceremony in his capacity as the GOVERNOR. He opted for this as a deliberate policy to justify the saying that one whose house is on fire does not pursue rats sneaking from the inferno. Aside from this he is discerning and not susceptible to pettiness and lowlife.
He has always had the COOL, CALM and CALCULATED mien. His poise and gait has been the envy of many in his strata. ALEX OTTI OFR by dint of hard-work has over the years acquired an intimidating network of friends, associates, team players and relations worldwide that are eager and ecstatic to identify with and glue to him at the slightest instance/opportunity. To many he has adopted hence his ALEX OTTI FOUNDATION has become father to the fatherless and husband to the widows.
He owes no one apology for being successful and subsequent universal acceptance.
It is therefore, puerile, infantile and nihilist to take advantage of his humility, magnanimity and humaneness as subject of ridicule. This is dead on arrival and as clinical pathologists will say B. I. D (brought in dead).
L Charles Nwangwa
(An industrialist and Abia Stakeholder).