Rivers NSCDC Says “No Room for Compromise” As It Dislodged Illegal Bunkering Operation In Cemeteries At Abalama And Oproama Communities

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The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps Rivers State Command has swiftly responded to the Commandant General’s marching order by uncovering and dislodging the activities of unscrupulous elements refining crude oil locally and illegally at the cemeteries located in the Asari-Toru Local Government Area of Rivers State’s Abalama and Oproama Communities.

Superintendent Olufemi Ayodele, the Command Public Relations Officer, intimated to the newsmen during a four-hour operational tour on the water with the Marine Antivadal Squad that the successful discovery of the illegal bunkering location was made possible by reliable and persistent intelligence.

“Recall that the NSCDC Commandant General, Dr Ahmed Abubakar Audi mni, OFR gave a marching order to all Formations in the Niger Delta to step up their Intelligence and Operational efficiency; acting on this directive the Rivers State Commandant Basil Igwebueze deployed the Marine Antivadal Squad to the crime scene where several boats filled with crude oil and refined Automotive Gas Oil (AGO) were sighted”

“This is Abalama community and behind us is Oproama community as well where Cemeteries were converted to illegal bunkering sites; Upon our arrival the Suspects took to their heels knowing the Squad had superior fire power; the NSCDC as an environmental friendly agency outrighly condemn all acts of environmental pollution, degradation of the aquatic life and economic sabotage”.

“We have contacted some good people in the 2 communities and they are cooperating with us so that the perpetrators would be apprehended in due course. However, the quantities in litres of the locally refines AGO cannot be ascertained”.

The Rivers State Command Helmsman has therefore issued a harsh warning against the actions of vandals and unauthorized bunkerers in the State, stating that the battle against oil theft is an ongoing one and that suspects who are apprehended along with their sponsors will be subject to the full force of the law.



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