Drum For Positve Change Celebrate Children’s Day with Kids at IDP Camp Durumi, Area One, Abuja

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A Humanitarian Foundation Drum For Positive Change has Continued to put smiles on the faces of Children as it Celebrated Children’s Day with the amazing kids at the IDP Camp in Durumi, Abuja.

It was a day filled with joy, laughter, and the spirit of togetherness as Foundation shared meals and created unforgettable memories.

“Every child deserves to experience the simple joys of childhood, and that starts with the most basic of needs – a nutritious meal. It’s heartbreaking to think that some children go to bed hungry. No child should ever have to face the world on an empty stomach”

“Our Children’s Day celebration was more than just an outreach; it was a powerful reminder that we can all make a difference. By coming together as a community, we can ensure that every child, regardless of their circumstances, has the nourishment they need to grow, learn, and thrive”

The Foundation appreciated all those who supported the gesture and vowed to continue to put smiles on the faces of People.

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