Plan to arrest Ajaero: Nigerian workers threaten National grid, telecoms shutdown Thursday 

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Workers in Nigeria’s power and telecoms industries have threatened to shut down the country’s grid and telecom services on Wednesday at midnight if the Nigerian Police Force arrests Joe Ajaero, the president of the Nigeria Labour Congress.

The general secretaries of the National Union of Postal and Telecommunications Workers, Mary Nwosu, and the National Union of Electricity Employees, Dominic Igwebike, respectively, included this in separate notices on Tuesday.

This follows after Ajaero was reportedly linked to terrorism financing and other claims, prompting the police to summon him for questioning on Tuesday. The summons was sent on Monday.

Due to its lateness, the invitation was declined by the president of the NLC in a letter sent on Tuesday in response to the police.

However, he decided to accept the invitation on Wednesday, August 29.

In response to the news, Ajaero’s arrest has prompted NUEE, NUPTE, and other unions to declare a cease-fire.

Workers at the Transmission Company of Nigeria are members of the NUEE, which sent out a warning to its members stating: “That upon any arrest of the NLC President or any other Labour Leader, all workers are to down tools from 12 midnight 21 August 2024.”

Similarly, NUPTE, Nigerian employees in the postal and telecommunications industries adhered to NUEE’s directives.

Following a meeting on Tuesday, NLC declared that if Ajaero is taken into custody, they will go on a statewide strike.

Given that telecoms and energy are the backbone of Nigeria’s economy, the development foreshadows danger.

Remember that on June 3, Nigeria experienced a blackout due to a walkout by workers that lasted indefinitely?

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