Felix Morka, the spokesperson for the All Progressives Congress (APC), charged Peter Obi, the presidential candidate for the Labour Party (LP), with fabricating a threat on his life on Tuesday.
According to Morka, he never endangered the former presidential candidate’s or his family’s lives, unlike what Obi said.
After Morka criticized President Bola Tinubu’s administration in his New Year’s greeting, Obi accused him of threatening his life.
In response to purported threats against his life, family, and associates, he questioned whether he had “really crossed the line.”
Obi’s accusation came after Morka, who was quoted as saying, “Peter Obi has crossed the line so many times and he has what’s coming to him, and whatever he gets, he should manage it,” in an interview with Arise TV on Sunday.
In response, Morka emphasized that the former governor of Anambra State should correct the record, claiming that Obi had cited him out of context because he had never threatened his life.
“On his verified official X handle, Mr. Peter Obi, former Governor of Anambra State and Labour Party presidential candidate in the 2023 general elections, has alleged, in his own words, that my New Year Message has now led to threats to my life, my family, and those around me,” the APC spokesman said in a statement he signed.
“Although I have gotten a variety of messages, one Mr. Felix Morka has gone so far as to accuse me of “stepping the line” and has threatened to hold me accountable.” Mr. Obi’s accusation allegedly relates to Morka’s response to a query during an interview on Saturday, January 4, 2025, on AriseTV’s THIS WEEK show.
“To be clear and for the record, Morka did not threaten Mr Obi or his family or those around him or anyone. Morka has absolutely no reason to, and has never, threatened Obi or anyone.
“Nothing that Morka said in that interview or any other forum remotely contains or suggests threat against Mr. Obi or anyone else, as the verbatim transcription of the relevant clip indisputably attests.
“Mr. Obi’s allegation that Morka threatened his life is a self-evident malicious lie and an attention-seeking, playing-the-victim, emotional blackmail. His claim is patently false and reprehensible.
“By falsely claiming that Morka threatened his life, Mr. Obi has libeled Morka in the extreme, and has incited his online mob to make death threats against Morka and members of his family.
“That is unacceptable. As a public figure, Mr. Obi bears a responsibility to provide accurate and truthful information. Instead, he has chosen to peddle falsehood and mislead Nigerians in quest for political currency and relevance.
“We call on Mr. Obi to immediately set the record straight, withdraw his false allegation against Morka, and call his online supporters to order. Morka, stands ready to explore all available recourse mechanisms in valiant defence of his decency and impeccable reputation.
“As the National Spokesman of the ruling Party, I will continue to hold Obi and other opposition actors accountable for their actions just as they seek to, and should, hold our great Party and administration accountable, when truth and public trust are compromised.”