Court Grants Assemblies of God Leave To Defend Secret Suit By Paul Emeka

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-As CAC ask Court to Dismiss Suit-

The Federal High Court Abuja just granted Assemblies of God church leave to defend the suit secretly filed by Paul Emeka against the CAC.

Honourable Justice Abang of the Federal High Court Abuja in suit no FHC/CV/1426/18 held that AGC is ably represented by Rev Chidi Okoroafor and other trustees as such the church as a corporate entity ably led by the trustees of 2015 can act for the church including defending actions that will affect the church.

The Judge berated Paul Emeka’s lawyer Barr Dike saying that his Counter Affidavit wherein Paul Emeka canvassed that the trustees were different from the church is unkwnon law.

Recall that the Paul Emeka had after the 2018 General council meeting written to CAC requesting CAC not to recognise the trustees of the church elected in 2015 and that CAC should also not allow AGC to file their new constitution.

Paul Emeka also asked CAC not to deal with the trustees elected in 2015.

But CAC replied and rejected Paul Emeka’s request and stated that since the Supreme Court has upheld the removal of Paul Emeka as the GS of the church, that Paul Emeka also stands removed as one of the trustees of the church.

Paul Emeka then secretly sued CAC and the CAC staff that signed the letter and urged the Court to direct CAC not to deal with AGC led by Rev Chidi Okoroafor. When AGC discovered the suit, the Solicitor to Assemblies of God Church Lawrence Erewele applied to join the church as an interested party that Paul Emeka was properly roved by the church.

Paul Emeka opposed the application for joinder.

After a heated argument, the Federal High Court today 9/5/18 dismissed Paul Emeka application and warned his Lawyer never to file such a baseless, frivolous and misleading counter Affidavit again; Noting that the trustees of 2015 were well elected and the certificate of 2015 properly issued.

Based on the 2015 certificate, the Court granted the relief to join the AGC as an interested party and dismissed Paul Emeka motion opposing the trustees to represent the church.

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