COVID-19: 100 Countries To Enroll Patients For  Vaccine Trials – WHO

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The international clinical trial was launched by WHO and its partners for the purpose of finding an effective treatment for COVID-19.

“So far more than 100 countries have joined the solidarity trial to evaluate therapeutics for Covid-19 and 1200 patients have been randomized from the first five countries.

WHO Director General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, added in Geneva on Monday, “This week, we expect that more than 600 hospitals, countries will be ready to start enrolling patients; the faster we recruit patients the faster we would get results.

According to a report on WHO’s website, the Solidarity trial would compare four treatment options against standard of care, to assess their relative effectiveness against COVID-19.

The report also stated that by enrolling patients in multiple countries, the trial aims to rapidly discover whether any of the drugs slow disease progression or improve survival.

WHO’s DG, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, also stressed that the organization’s commitment was to science, solutions, solidarity and saving lives.

He also reemphasized that countries should not hurriedly lift restrictions at the moment.

“We have spoken previously recently about the factors countries must consider as they plan to start lifting the so called restrictions,” he said.

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