House of Reps Deputy Speaker Rep. Benjamin Okezie Kalu Visits Nigerian Army, Commiserate with Them over the K!ll!ng of Five Soldiers in Aba

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“Today, accompanied by some of my colleagues and members of the Peace In South East Project (PISE-P), I paid a visit to the bereaved families of the gallant soldiers who were killed in the unfortunate incident at Obikabia Junction in Aba on May 30, 2024”

“Once again, I condemn in its entirety, the reckless actions of these lawless individuals that have brought immense pain and sadness to these families. It is my earnest prayer that the Almighty God grants them the fortitude to bear this indescribable loss”

“The loss of these dedicated soldiers, who selflessly served our nation, is particularly devastating at a time when we are in dire need of more personnel in the security sector. In our efforts to encourage and support our soldiers and security agencies in their vital work, it is disheartening to witness such violence directed against them.

“Through the Peace In South East Project, we have continued to champion a non-kinetic approach to restoring peace and stability in the region. Those who have tried to sabotage the efforts of this project will not be ignored”

“While this is a painful moment for the military and everyone involved, I urge them to remain steadfast in their commitment to peace and restraint, ensuring that innocent citizens do not bear the consequences of the misdeeds of a misguided few”

“I commend the military in the state led by Brigadier General Olusola Diya, Commander of the 14 Brigade, Ohafia for his exemplary leadership during this challenging time.
We will work closely with the state government and the security agencies to ensure that the perpetrators of this tragic incident are apprehended and made to pay dearly for their actions. Justice will be served and their heinous acts will not go unpunished”

“May the souls of the fallen soldiers rest in eternal peace, and may their sacrifices never be forgotten. We stand united in our resolve to honor their memory and work towards lasting peace and security for our state, region and nation at large. Rt Hon Benjamin Kalu, Deputy Speaker, House of Representatives.

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