Political landscape is changing – Tanko on Abure, LP groups in Apapa reconciling

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Yunusa Tanko, the spokesman of the disbanded Obi-Datti presidential campaign committee, has said it’s a good development for the Labour party, LP, Deputy Chairman, Lamidi Apapa and the National Chairman, Julius Abure’s group to unite.

Tanko said Abure and Apapa’s group of LP share a common aim for resolving to set aside their differences and work together.

Tanko stated, “Politics is dynamic and anything can happen at any time,” when chatting with reporters.

“If they have decided to work together, they may have a common purpose and if it’s for the interest of everybody, why not.

“If it’s for the interest of everybody, it’s welcome, but if it’s for the interest of another purpose, we can just question it.

“It’s good for the house to remain one if that is exactly what the target was.”

Abure and Apapa have been at odds since April 2023.

A court ruling prevented Abure and three other people from posing as the party’s national officers in April of that same year.

However, Abure retaliated vehemently to hold onto his position with the support of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), which is led by Joe Ajaero, the National President.

But during a contentious national convention in Anambra that reinstated Abure and his supporters, Abure’s relationship with the NLC worsened.

Following the convention, NLC decided not to support Abure and formed a transition committee in order to hold another convention.

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