Aba Now A Construction Site”-United Abia Artistes Rate Governor Alex Otti High after 14 in Office

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“Pass Vote Of Confidence on the Governor”

The United Abia Artistes and Patriots Forum(UAAP) said the Executive Governor of Abia State Dr Alex Otti has improved the image of Abia through his Infrastructural Development and remarkable progress made so far in the last 14 Months.

The Group advised the Opposition in the state to offer solutions when they criticize and not merely sitting in Judgment against the State Government but present alternative solutions,policies, and ideologies where they believe the administration is failing short.

Addressing an International Press Conference in Umuahia on Friday,the Abia State Capital, the President of UAAP, Ambassador Dr.Osita Offor popularly known as the ultimate commander said the distraction from the opposition against the Government of Abia State led by Dr Alex Otti is now enough as he said the ‘pull him down’ mentality must change.

“After reviewing the progress of Governor Alex Chioma Otti, OFR, over the past 14 months, along with the activities of opposition parties during this period, it has become imperative to share our observations and offer recommendations for the continued progress of our beloved Abia State”

“We have played a significant role in the emergence of the current administration, and we believe this critical milestone calls for an objective assessment. By analyzing the state’s progress under Governor Otti’s leadership, evaluating the administration’s performance, and contributing ideas, we can help accelerate the realization of the New Abia we all envision, Without excessive praise, it is evident that the administration has made strides in moving Abia forward. The New Abia ideology is steadily becoming a tangible reality”

“This administration has demonstrated that leadership is not rocket science but is rooted in effective visualization, planning, implementation, and monitoring. These four pillars of progress are now in full force in Abia State”

Continuing he said a visit to most construction sites shows that the current administration in Abia is committed to improving infrastructure and transforming Umuahia into the capital city it was meant to be.

“One area where the administration has excelled is infrastructural development. The extent of progress has left many people curious about the funding sources. When asked, the governor often responds, “That’s my trade secret, Aba now resembles a construction site, with areas neglected for over two decades receiving much-needed attention. A visit to Port Harcourt Road, managed by Julius Berger, as well as Ngwa Road, Omuma Road, and other locations, reveals the seriousness of this administration’s commitment to improving Abia”

“The Umuahia capital city is gradually transforming into the state capital it was meant to be. A visit to the newly commissioned Aguiyi Ironsi Boulevard and the revitalized nerve center of the city showcases the administration’s efforts to restore the capital’s former glory by fixing internal roads, Should we discuss the remarkable long stretch of road under construction from Umuahia through Uzuakoli in Bende LGA, to Akara in Isuikwuato, passing through Igbere and Abiriba, and ending in Ohafia? It’s also important to mention Nunya Road and the numerous other roads under construction in the state”

“This government has shown a strong commitment to the health of the people. Tertiary health facilities like the Specialist Hospital in Umuahia, Amachara General Hospital, and Abia State Teaching Hospital in Aba have been revitalized. Plans are also underway to refurbish all general hospitals and primary health centers in the state,This administration is also making strides in education by retrofitting primary and secondary school facilities and upgrading the syllabus to align with modern standards”

He said the transformation going on in the civil service in Abia state with the prompt and timely payment of salaries of civil servants by the Governor shows that the best is yet to come.

“It would be remiss not to mention the transformation of Abia State Civil Servants’ welfare. Once neglected by previous administrations, they now receive their salaries promptly, promotional exams are ongoing, and the government’s commitment to a wage award of N45,000 is being fulfilled. Backlogs of unpaid salaries are being addressed, and, more importantly, there is hope that the minimum wage will be reviewed, with a committee already established to tackle this issue”

“While listing the administration’s achievements across various sectors over the past 14 months would be an enormous task, it is crucial to highlight that the administration recently disbursed N1 billion to small-scale business owners to boost their enterprises and stimulate the state’s economy, One aspect that has been taken for granted is the improved image of Abia State. For over 20 years, the state was plagued by negative media coverage, but that narrative has completely shifted. Since this administration took office, Abia has been trending positively, attracting investors eager to be part of the New Abia reality”

“While we acknowledge the remarkable progress made by Governor Otti’s administration over the past 14 months, we are equally aware that much more remains to be done. The government can achieve even greater success in areas such as agriculture, youth empowerment, ICT, and entertainment, which require increased attention and support”

He advised the opposition to do away with destructive opposition and he said destructive opposition is no longer in Vogue.

“We have also observed that while the opposition is attempting to play its democratic role, they appear to be doing so misguidedly. Destructive opposition is no longer in vogue; constructive opposition is the way forward”

“The “pull him down” mentality currently exhibited by the opposition must change. It’s not enough to recognize that Abia State belongs to all of us, and the state’s progress or failure doesn’t rest solely with the current administration—it’s a collective responsibility. We must all contribute positively to ensure the state’s advancement”

“As an organization, we urge the opposition to offer solutions when they criticize. They shouldn’t merely sit in judgment; they should also present alternative solutions, policies, and ideologies where they believe the administration is falling short. This approach, known as the “Alternative Proposition,” allows the public to assess their capacity for future elections and can also offer valuable ideas that may help the current administration course-correct where necessary”

“If the opposition’s goal is the state’s progress, then the Alternative Proposition is the way to go”He concluded.

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