World War III: You’re gambling with fire, Russia warns United States

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Russia has forewarned the US that allowing Ukraine to launch Western missile strikes into Russian territory might lead to a major escalation of hostilities.

President Vladimir Putin promised that Russia will honorably respond to the attack.

The remarks coincide with Ukraine’s appeal to Western weaponry suppliers to approve the deployment of their armaments for long-range strikes situated deep within Russia.

But in a statement, Russia warned the US and other Western countries that such steps might have dire and far-reaching effects, possibly escalating the conflict beyond of Europe.

According to RT, Sergei Lavrov, the foreign minister, claimed that by granting Ukrainian demands to relax restrictions on using weapons provided by other countries, the West was “asking for trouble” and attempting to intensify the conflict in Ukraine.

“The American mentality is that of a master, who sits on the other coast convinced of his safety and that others will do the dirty work for him. He expects others to die for him, not just Ukrainians, but also Europeans, it appears.

“We are now confirming once again that playing with fire – and they are like small children playing with matches – is a very dangerous thing for grown-up uncles and aunts who are entrusted with nuclear weapons in one or another Western country,” Lavrov said.

Russia urged all sides to seek a peaceful resolution, highlighting the necessity for moderation and diplomatic measures to address the situation.

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