On Thursday the United States slammed a $15million bounty on Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro.

The Justice Department accused Maduro and others narco-terrorism and drug smuggling into the United States.
The Attorney General, William Barr said charges involved some 15 defendants between Maduro and other political and military leaders in Venezuela.
William noted that Venezuela allegedly allows Colombians linked with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia to use its airspace to fly cocaine north through Central America to destinations in North America.
Geoffrey Berman, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, explained that the scheme between the Colombians and Venezuelans had been operating for some two decades.
President Donald Trump administration considers Maduro an illegitimate president following his controversial election.
Washington openly supported major opponent, Juan Guaidó, and recognises him as the legitimate winner of that poll.
Trump invited Guaidó to the State of the Union address early February.
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