Student loan scheme: Cultists, certificate forgers, drug offenders aren’t eligible – Nigerian government

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The federal government’s student loan program is ineligible for individuals who have been convicted of certificate forgery, drug offenses, or cult membership, among other reasons, according to the Nigerian government. Fund for Education Loans (NELFUND).

The student loan program administrator revealed this in a post on its official X handle on Friday.

Some of the “frequently asked” questions by potential applicants are answered in this page.

Citizens “convicted of fraud and forgery, drug offences, cultism, felony, or any offences involving dishonesty” will not be eligible to apply, according to NELFUND.

Anybody “proven to have defaulted in respect of any previous loan granted” by any authorized financial institution and anyone “found guilty of submitting fake/fraudulent documents and dismissed for exam malpractices by any school authority” are among the other applicants whose applications would be denied.

According to reports, NELFUND made the application portal available to students from federal schools nationwide on Friday for the student loan program’s initial phase.

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