Paul Emeka:How Are the Mighty Fallen by Barr Ben C Kalu

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How are the might fallen? So it has gotten this bad? so our former GS couldn’t seat in his cushion chair? Melky seating on the floor, crying! Choi! Had I know! Even Clement is regretting because his purse is now lean and empty! He told Ushers to stop carrying offering cellophane bags least they tamper with money, he also chased those counting money with him; suddenly the entire money realised in that year’s Fake Peniel disappeared.

The entire money raised by CNN (The Money draining Evangelist) dropped suddenly and later Clement bought a new Car while workers were crying. when asked he claimed his brother, uncle, ancestors bought a car for him. Tufiakwaa!! One Ekenedilichukwu insisted students must buy “Prosperity unlimited” and other pirated books (must buy it repeatedly, no matter how many years you spend in that pseudo school) students that bought same book in first year, were compelled to buy same in 2nd year, you still buy it in 3rd year, probably will keep buying it till the day of ordination. He milked the blood of those students and bought a jeep, only to claim that his INLAW bought him a jeep. If our hope is only the things of this world we are of all men most miserable. The glory of God has departed, the AGS REV ITOTO has departed, Rev DrPaul-Nathan Udeze, Rev Bar Ben has also departed, Rev Kayode has departed, Chinedu Jumbo AZUBUIKE has departed, if you like snap with him 20 times, Secretariat has departed, GS jeep, Wm bus, Evangel University Bus, etc has departed, now you are seating on the floor, carrying your hands on your heads like defeated foes.

Accept the Olive branch now or regret it later. Rev Felix Okafor called me from USA and expressed his disappointment on our former GS. As I write to you the DVD is already going viral, how many signs will you see before you know that the might has fallen? “Dike anaa” see you next time

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